Occasionally people ask how to clear the list of previous VINs in VIDA 2014D. its pretty easy but you do have to re-patch VIDA afterwards. Here is How… Thanks to Matthew L, our colleague in UK/Europe, for writing this up for us.
V1da 2014d – P3 support up to 2018 – how to update V1da yourself
Big thanks to SVNDS.INFO for putting this together for us! Zjev over on Sweedspeed had done a great job of adding Vin support to V1da 2014d for newer p3/p4 models (No SPA platform support and no V60CC yet.) But it was still somewhat of a difficult job to modify the SQL database for your average… Continue reading V1da 2014d – P3 support up to 2018 – how to update V1da yourself
There’s two versions of V1DA? Which one do I use?
To be clear, there are two versions of V1DA. V1DA 2014D, is the cracked version, all us DIY guys (and some shops) use… as you don’t need to pay anything to login, scan, look up info, adjust settings, run calibrations, etc (everything except software updates.) Works for 1999-2015.5 cars. This is usually what folks are after. Computer systems that run just… Continue reading There’s two versions of V1DA? Which one do I use?
What kind of warranty do I get?
I will work with my customers to help troubleshoot any piece of equipment sold. In the event that you need to send it back, return shipping is paid by the customer, while labor time/service expertise/any parts needed to get you back up and running, are free of charge.
What about tech support?
We provide unlimited tech support to our customers. Usually same day, and right on the spot (as much as possible.) We stand by our products, our service, and our customers! If a remote-connection into the laptop, to tinker with files, is what it takes, we are open to doing that. We want support to be… Continue reading What about tech support?
Can I do programming on my car?
Yes, and no. V1DA 2014D…. no you cannot. You can do everything EXCEPT update software on the car. Don’t confuse this though, you can do a lot. Any calibration, setting adjustment, reset of this or that, or maybe run a fuel pump test, sweep the gauges, test the voltage at just about every electronic connection… Continue reading Can I do programming on my car?
What programs do I all get? And what are they used for?
Here’s all the programs you’ll get with my system (BOOT&GO or a complete laptop): Windows10 (with license key) and all updates. V1DA 2014D (covers 1999-2015.5 V0lv0’s… does everything but update software on the car) DICE drivers EWD 2014D (the 2nd disc to V1DA, and harder to find. It’s the wiring diagrams.) Vol-FCR 1.3 and 1.7… Continue reading What programs do I all get? And what are they used for?
Are there updates to programs?
V1DA 2014D is the last stand-alone V1DA that was made. It will not be updated. (NOTE: Some re-sellers out there are claiming they have V1DA 2015A…. this is fake…. there is no 2015A. What they have done is hacked the program and made it display “2015A” instead of “2014D”. But there is not extra usability… Continue reading Are there updates to programs?
Will this damage my car?
Short answer: Not likely. This is factory software, built by V0lv0, to interface with 1999+ V0lv0’s. Something would have to go SERIOUSLY WRONG. Over the last several years, we have equipped over 1500 users with this system and have not heard of a single case where this has damaged a car.
How do I learn how to use V1DA?
Instructions for use are provided to every customer. These are summarized and meant to get you off the ground. Every system does include the very detailed user’s manuals (made by V0lv0) for both V1DA 2014D and DICE, if you choose to go through them. V1DA is actually pretty easy to use once you get the… Continue reading How do I learn how to use V1DA?